ENGINE WORK July, 2006
A lot of what I am doing right now is wiring related toward getting the engine ready to start. If it's strictly engine wiring, it on this page. If it's more general supporting wiring, it's on the avionics page, so be sure to check there for details
July 1 - hooked up alternator field wire 1.0 hr
July 2 - make crimping dies to go in rivet squeezer. Use new dies in squeezer to crimp #6 wire to starter and #8 wire to alternator Battery terminal. 2.0 hr
July 3 - heatshrink and install starter and alt B wires. Still unsure about where to run them, so I didn't cut them to length. Secured more coolant lines. Hooked up oil pressure & temperature sensor wires. Ordered OVP, LVAABMM, Schottky Power Diode from Perihelion. 2.5 hr
Here are the oil temp and pressure sensors installed. A is temp, B is
pressure, C is a knock sensor, D is alt-B, E is alt-F. The thumb nut
on the pressure sensor has been replaced with a nylon locking nut.
This is with the big supercharger drive pulley removed, as it is extremely
difficult to get to the pressure sender nut when the SC pulley is on.
July 9 - looking over MT prop controller wiring & figuring out what goes where. Resume installing split tubing over coolant lines. Made up list of more wiring stuff I need from ACS. Re-label E-bus into 2 busses, to match new current plan. Start organizing wires to LT side of engine. 3.5 hr
Here are the leads I labeled for the MT prop controller brushes.
July 11 - take apart wiring harness at ECM, looking for leads to injectors, so I can attach Gary Newsted BMA fuel flow module. 2.5 hr
July 19 - received modified SC pulley back from Jan. Very nice of him to not only supply the parts, but also the labor in making this upgrade to the pulley. The new rail is MUCH stronger and heavier than the old one.
Here's the new SC drive pulley, back from Jan.
Here's detail of the new fence and how it's welded on. It's stainless
steel and much thicker than the original aluminum one that was only tack
welded to itself on the butting ends. These are solid, continuous
July 23 - finished labeling cylinder numbers and which injector lead goes to which connector pin. On the wiring harness, the pink one goes to #3, and Jan is already using that one for the GRT fuel flow. Pink/blue is for #2, pink/black is for #4, and pink/green is for #1. I spliced my Gary Newsted FTX-1 module into #1 fuel injector lead. Worked on wire from contactor to starter. Made up list of more stuff I need from ACS to do all this; firewall pass-thru, grommets, Adel clamps, etc. Put nylon protector (from SteinAir) onto starter cable and installed cable. 6.5 hr
This pic shows which ECM connector pins are for which fuel injector (labeled
3,2,4,1 in the connector I've arbitrarily called #3).
Here is the starter wire installed. It's 6AWG inside a tough nylon
spiral casing, with Adel clamps holding it firmly to the engine mount plate.
July 24 - finally got back to my search for a solenoid valve for the supercharger wastegate dump valve. Found one at Industrial Automation (800) 511-0100 and ordered it. P/N 8215G30 $126.42. Placed another ACS order. 1.0 hr
July 26 - lay out and install main contactor. Called mfg of eyeball firewall eyeball metal grommet, to see if I can get a solid, undrilled ball. No call back. Still trying to find any company that has a Hall sensor in stock, for my ammeter. BMA has them, but they're $100, vs $43 from the component catalogs. Sensor I want is a FW Bell RSS-100-A. No one, not even the mfg, has any in stock. Lead time is 12 weeks. Planning placement of starter and alt B leads thru firewall. 2.0 hr
July 27 - receive and put away ACS order. The AN912-7D 3/4" plug I ordered, for mounting the solenoid valve, has quite dinged up threads, mostly BEFORE it was anodized. It looks like someone used a Vise-Grip on the threads. I need to call ACS about that. Also measured weight of hollowed steel vs solid aluminum balls for the firewall eyeball grommets. The aluminum one is 6 grains heavier than the hollow steel one, and there are about 437 grains in an ounce, so I guess you could say they weigh about the same. 0.5 hr
Jul 29 - cut AN912-7D to match OD of intercooler plumbing. Bore it out & clean off blue anodizing, prep for welding. 0.75 hr
Here is the AN912-7D cut with a 2.125" arc so it can be welded to the SC
tubing. The 3/4" NPT solenoid valve will then screw into this.
I also polished up all the dings in the threads, rather than try to call
ACS customer service about it.
July 30 - Clean rust and MOLD off tools during much of afternoon. Looking at muffler layout again. Will ask some questions on Eggenfellner STi list before drilling anything. 0.5 hr
July 31 - talked to Dan Schultz at Schultz Engineering about the metal eyeball grommets he makes. He will send me 3 undrilled balls. Received Decalin order. Put away Decalin. Play a bit with the fuel volatility tester I got from Decalin. Install a third vacuum fitting (MSC #01045277) onto intake manifold, for the supercharger safety popoff valve. 0.5 hr
go to AUGUST, 2006 engine