ENGINE WORK June, 2009
June 1 - Received the MT prop brush mount bracket.
June 3 - ran engine again. Reset RPM FUEL values (was 120 for all) to 100 at 500, 750, 1000, 1250 rpm and 110 at 1500 rpm. Seemed to improve the idle. Spent some time hooking up my radiator fans so I can run the engine longer before it gets too hot. Also started installing Eggenfellner's MT brush mount bracket; typical Eggenfellner engineering; apparently he's never heard of hole edge distance; the 3/16" brush mount holes are 0.040" from the edge of the bracket. Plus the bolt holes that mount the bracket to the PSRU are so close to the ell in the bracket, it's impossible to get a wrench or socket onto bolt heads. I eventually got the bracket mounted by using screws instead of bolts; even that took special tools to install and tighten the fasteners. 2.0 hr
While setting up temporary electric fans for the radiators, I noticed yet
another way Mac's Radiator screwed them up. The side plates were
supposed to be flat. For some inexplicable reason, Mac's decided to go
to the extra trouble of putting flange bends, front and rear, on each side
of both radiators. The flanges were not in the drawings. As they
are, the flanges are covering up the outer 2 columns of cooling fins,
reducing cooling. At the bottom left of the pic, you can see where I
welded up one of the radiator leaks by completely welding the top and bottom
of the shroud flange to the bottom tank. I never thought about these
flanges when I had the rads off for rewelding. If I had noticed, I
might have gone to all the trouble of cutting the flanges off. I will
cut them off if I ever need to pull the radiators off again. We never
did hear back from the Mac's Radiator owner regarding our complaints about
all the quality problems. Randy and I definitely can't recommend
Mac's Radiator for anything.
This is
a pic of John Moody's radiators - no flange bends in the side plates.
The Mac's Radiator welding isn't even close to the quality apparent in
John's radiators. Unfortunately for Randy and me, the company that
made these is in Australia.
Finally got Eggenfellner's MT mount bracket installed. Had to use
screws instead of bolts, and could barely get onto them, even with an angle
driver. Also note how close the brush mount holes are to the edge of
the bracket at the RT edge of the pic; 0.040" - good enough for
Eggenfellner and his sloppy work.
June 4 - Hooked up my electric radiator fans. They don't fit the rads as well as they fit the smaller ones, but still better than nothing. Ran engine twice with the fans. As expected, it doesn't heat up as fast, so I can do longer runs before water temp gets too high and I have to shut down. It starts pretty well cold - maybe 1-2 seconds of cranking. There are SDS parameters to change regarding starting, but I'm satisfied with what I have. Also did a hot engine restart; fired up instantly. Farted around some with trying to resolve differences between SDS ET & AT (engine temp & air temp) and EIS OT & WT (oil temp & water temp) readings. They don't agree with each other. I'm not sure what's right & what's wrong. The SDS ET seems to match the EIS OT fairly well, except the EIS displays continuous readings and the SDS seems to read in steps. I have a laser infrared remote thermometer to confirm readings. The problem is emissivity. Every surface has different emissivity, which affects readings. So, I am left unsure. Set 1750 and 2000 FUEL RPM to 110. TEMP = EIS OT = 175, EIS WT = 200, SDS ET = 176, then jumped to 189 as EIS caught up to it. Apparently SDS temperature steps are 167, 176, 189 in this range. After complete cooldown, EIS OT is 74, WT is 73, SDS ET is 66 and AT is 66. The laser infrared thermometer seems to be saying about 67-69, but it's hard to tell, due to the emissivity issue. 1.5 hr
June 5 - did another sensors comparison - with the engine cold, getting this:
infrared thermometer = 69 on all sensors
EIS OT = 69 WT = 69
SDS ET = 66 AT = 70 (later latched down to 66)
So, I guess the sensors seem fairly accurate, keeping in mind that the SDS operates and displays in pre-set steps, not in individual degree changes. During the engine runs, the disparities seem greater. More testing & experience needed. Also did a little more EIS program changes. Enabled page 5 for EGT display and disabled pages 11 & 15. 1.0 hr
Here's some of my glass work. Last fall, I started doing glassblowing.
I usually do it once a week when I'm at the hangar. I experimented around with various
colors, but found the white & blue to be what I was seeking. Just one
more thing to squeeze in to my schedule. I also resumed doing leatherwork over the winter
& made a few things, including the purse my wife carries. I last
did leatherwork in the mid 1970s.
June 16 - I've been very busy focusing on learning how to program MS Access, so I can fix some database problems for my old Air Force buddy in CA. As a result, I didn't go to the hangar at all last week.
June 30 - haven't been to the hangar or done any flying for 3 weeks, due to a variety of competing things. Hope to get moving again very soon.
go to July, 2009 engine