FUSELAGE September, 2009
In order to run the engine under load, I needed to get the prop installed, the prop controller installed and wired, and the tail remounted, so I can install the rudder and then the brakes. I don't want to run the engine with a prop unless I have working brakes. This page is about the brakes.
Sep 3 - Received the gallon of MIL-H-83282 brake fluid. Working on installing and bleeding brake fluid. Leaks galore. First, one of the Parflex line fitting was leaking at the reservoir tee. I eventually figured out it was missing an o-ring, which I got at the local Ace Aircraft Supply Store. Then, both sides were leaking at the firewall-mounted fittings because the nuts weren't even finger tight. Then, both sides leaked at the fittings through the floor. Again, both weren't even finger-tight, even though they were marked in orange sealant as "torqued". Apparently, when I redid them as a result of re-redoing the fuel lines to accommodate the Eggenfellner fuel line system, I never tightened things up. Torqued all AN nuts to 64 in lb. Spent a huge amount of time with the Miti-Vac system, trying to pull the air out of the lines. In hindsight, I should have done it as the Van's manual suggested; get a pump-type oil can and pump the fluid up from the calipers, rather than trying to suck the air down to the calipers with the Miti-Vac. Finally got most, but not all, of the air out. Gave up on that & will get Karla to help me bleed the brakes the old-fashioned way. 8.0 hr
the brake fluid and my home-made tool for moving the fluid around.
I bought a turkey baster at the supermarket and hot-glued some copper tubing
into the end of it.
This one was leaking because the o-ring was missing. I don't know if I
never installed it or, more likely, it got misplaced when I removed these
lines some time ago to tighten the tee into the reservoir. This shows
how the parts go together.
Sep 4 - Karla helped bleed LT side the old-fashioned way, then we quit & went flying instead. 0.5 hr
Sep 7 - Karla helped bleed RT side. Good brake pedal, left and right, pilot and co-pilot. 0.5 hr
back to engine & MT prop work
go to APRIL, 2010 fuselage